The estimated delivery time for our individually tailored products is typically 4 to 5 working days. We take great pride in crafting each product to meet your unique requirements, guaranteeing top-quality results that enhance your online presence, search engine rankings, and overall brand reputation across various platforms.
General Information
General Information
Yes, in order to submit a review through our "Review us on Google" products, customers are required to have a Google account. This helps ensure the authenticity and credibility of the reviews.
: Yes, for customers to follow your business and interact with your content through our products designed to boost Instagram followers, they must have an Instagram account. Having an Instagram account is essential to fully utilize these products and increase your social media presence.
Yes, you can rest assured that you will receive an invoice for your order. We will promptly send the invoice to your provided email address, and it will accompany your order confirmation.
Products & ordering process
We take care of creating the QR code for you. You don't need to worry about the technical details; our products are designed to make the process hassle-free for you.
If you intend to order products for multiple locations, kindly send a request to [email protected]. Our team will assist you in efficiently managing your order for multiple locations and provide any necessary guidance or information you may require.
Since our products are individually manufactured, we do not facilitate exchanges. However, if there is an issue with your order, we will promptly arrange for a new delivery to ensure your satisfaction and the quality of our products.